A debt collection agency may contact your employer to verify your employment, your work location, to find out whether you have medical insurance to cover a specific debt, or to garnish your wages. In order to garnish your wages, the debt collector must first sue you and obtain a judgment against you. Most states require debt collectors to make such inquiries of your employer in writing; however, they may allow the collector to contact the employer by telephone if no response is received within a few weeks of the written inquiry.
Can a debt collector call me at work about a debt?
Yes, a collection agency can contact you at work by phone or mail unless the debt collector knows or has reason to know that your employer prohibits you from receiving such communications. Any written communication sent to you at work must me marked “Personal and Confidential” and a debt collector may not reveal the reason for the call to your supervisor or any co-workers. If he does, he has violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and you might have the right to sue him.
If you don’t want to be contacted at work, write the debt collector a letter asking him not to call you at work or send you notices at work because your boss forbids such activity.
Our downloadable debt kit will help you effectively deal with debt collectors and settle the delinquent account for significantly less than you owe.
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